Iris Shader comprises different patrons, testers, code contributors, icon artists, and developers, which paved the way for developing a better mod for Minecraft shaders. Most importantly, Iris Mod is developed by the community and simultaneously caters to the community’s demands similarly. The main goal was to allow the best-quality Minecraft shaders to experience as much as possible.

Iris Shader was created as an open-source project by a team of passionate and collaborative developers. Although it does not operate as well as the 1.17 version due to vanilla performance regressions, the bugs are constantly being fixed, and Sodium will eventually be added. However, it’s already usable enough for when you want to take decent screenshots. There also exists an Iris 1.19 version, but it is still underway in development because of bugs. There’s also a significant improvement in shadow rendering since the once-unplayable areas for shaders make the places have a smoother and more fully-functioning FPS than usual. Also, Iris Minecraft can improve performance by about 60 percent in certain worlds with plenty of entities. This even works even with shaders that are disabled. Iris Shaders also enhances how Minecraft provides entities and blocks entities such as item frames, pigs, and chests. As time passes, the number of packs Iris Mod supports is growing steadily. Moreover, it has Optifine parity and aims to support all the present and past Optifine shaderpacks. Furthermore, it also gives you leverage through the latest rendering techniques, giving you enough lead in the game. When paired with optimization mods such as Sodium, Iris Minecraft can fully utilize your graphics card while presenting as little-to-no issues as possible, unlike OptiFine. Some shader packs you can already use are: Even so, many of them are already functional with Irish Shaders. Features are still being added since some shader parks are still not working. Iris Shaders 1.20 is a Shader Pack loader that is great for when you want a firm boost in your FPS and is also highly compatible with the current format of shaders you most often use. More than that, it also functions perfectly with Sodium alongside other mods, allowing you to experience improved FPS, compatibility, and performance that you usually don’t experience with OptiFine. Iris Shaders 1.20.1 → 1.19.4 is a new shaders mod suitable for Minecraft 1.19 and 1.18.